
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Modi's India to legalize satanic practice of feticide and infanticide?

There is yet another shocking and unfortunate move from the Indian government! The Modi ruled government of India is planning to legalise the devilish law for encouraging murder of unborn infants in the womb of the mothers by making a cabinet approval of a bill to amend the existing 49-year-old Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971! 

According to the 1971 MTP Act, abortion in rare cases is permissible for up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. But with the new amendment of the act, brutal killing of the [fully formed] infants is allowed for up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

As a human embryo grows into a fully developed fetus with a soul, life, senses, feelings and most body organs in the 24 weeks time, people with a humane nature are opposing this new act terming it as inhuman as it is equivalent or more heinous than infant homicide.  

It is surprising to see that these rulers do not have minimum common sense to understand that giving 'life' in this world is purely God's business, Who alone is the Creator and has full and complete authority to give and to take back any life. It has become a fashion for some foolish and insane world leaders passing similar bills and challenging the One Who has sowed the seed of life in the mother's womb. No science or inventions can give life without God's intervention nor can extend the life for an inch with their ability.

Whoever supports abortions of any type and style must understand tat, if their parents, particularly mothers were selfish and cruel and killed them before birth, they would not have been alive to pass such bills or to support such devilish movements.

Most people world-wide are of the opinion that every conceived baby under the sun has a right to be born and a right to live. No one should take any disastrous actions against human beings' rights to continue. There are many choices and opportunities to avoid pregnancy before it happens. Once it occurs, let the bub live and take breath safely.

Whoever encourages abortion is a follower of satan, who is the murderer and destroyer...!

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