Showing posts with label bank account number. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bank account number. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Please donate liberally for Twenty20 Kizhakkabalam's Food Challenge & Covid Relief

The number of people affected by the coronavirus pandemic in India is beyond calculation. Many agencies and service-minded people are involved in the covid relief activities everywhere. In Kerala too, we can see some persons rendering exceptional services to the affected. Sabu M Jacob, the founder Director of the 'twenty20 Kizhakkambalam Association' is one such. 

The twenty20 Kizhakkambalam has already distributed 8207 food kits each costing Rs. 1500 (totaling Rs 1 crore 23 lakhs) to deserving poor. They have also distributed 14,88,000 face masks worth 2 crores 23 lakhs and 1,24,000 sanitizer bottles for Rs 1 crore 24 lakhs. In addition to these, they have also distributed Homeo drugs to combat covid spending Rs 79 lakhs as of now. All these charity works they could complete successfully without getting any external aid.

Now, as the task ahead is enormous, Sabu M Jacob the brain behind the 20-20 Kizhakkambalam Association, has launched a noble idea to involve all philanthropists who are interested in charity. It is known as the 'Food Challenge'! Anyone interested to be a part of this virtuous venture can contribute their mite (what they can afford) and be a proud part of this project. By sharing something that one can afford with their fellow being, one can get some feeling of joy. 

You can send any amounts.

UPI ID: Twenty20@sbi 

Account Number: 34744906845 IFSC : SBIN0070425 
Beneficiary Name: Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam Association 
Bank: State Bank of India, Kizhakkambalam Branch 

Send your crossed Cheques written in favour of 
'Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam Association' to the following address:


For more info, contact Phone number: 0484-4142502