Many smart and intelligent contestants have participated in the game show and have gone with some prize money, some of them empty handed...!
The show on November 1st, 2011 will surprise the viewers as one ordinary person named Susheel kumar from Bihar wins the mega prize money of INR five crores (Rs 5,0000000). Susheel Kumar hails from a middle class family and he has been working as a private employee in a firm for a monthly salary of Rs.6000/pm.
He was all excited to receive the Axis bank check bearing a sum of Rs. 5 crores from Mr Amitabh Bachchan. He has many dreams to make reality with the huge prize money, which an average person can never dare to dream even. Congrats, Susheel...! Lead a happy and joyful life...!
Please add your comments of congrats to this great Susheel Kumar...!